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【Exhibition 2018】新宿ベルクで開催中「呼吸する影-Breathing Shadow of Bombed Trees」浅見俊哉作品展

執筆者の写真: Shunya.AsamiShunya.Asami


【個展のお知らせ @新宿 Beer & Cafe BERG -ベルク】

2018.6/1-6/30までの1か月。 新宿東口改札出て15秒の@Beer&Cafe BERGにて展覧会を行っています。






「呼吸する影-Breathing Shadow of Bombed Trees-」 浅見俊哉作品展

●会期: 2018.6/1(金)〜30(土) 7:00-23:00 (6/11休館)

●場所: Beer & Cafe BERG -ベルク JR新宿駅東口改札を出て左、15秒 ルミネ エストB1 東京都新宿区新宿3-38-1LUMINE EST B1

店内は完全な分煙ではありません。 ご了承下さい。


ヒロシマにある被爆樹木を知っていますか? 被爆樹木とは爆心地から約2キロ以内で、被爆しながらも生き延びた樹木を指し、約160本あります。







Photogram T-shirt

被爆樹木シダレヤナギのiphone wear

「Breathing Shadow of the Bombed Trees」 I used the photogram's technique to take pictures of bombed trees in Hiroshima. I want to take not only a figure of bombed trees but also "Time" of them. It is the reason why I use the technique "Photogram" to take pictures of bombed trees. To use the sensitized paper and take their shadow, I thought I was able to catch the days from August 6 1945 to 2018 when we live now.

The Bombed Trees were burned by the blast of the little boy, and about 2km distance from the centre of the explosion on August 6th,1945 during the Second World War. However, the bombed trees have been growing up strongly till today, this outcome made me so impressed and gave a great inspiration for my execution.

 From July 2016 I also started work to shoot the shadows of Fukushima's "Radiated trees".                                                       



■1982 東京都生まれ。写真作家・ワークショップデザイナー

■主な作品出品は、Mite!おかやま(岡山県立美術館 )、Eternal Echo(NY・A-forest-Gallery)、呼吸する影 -被爆樹木のフォトグラム- (ニコンサロン・旧日本銀行広島支店・galleryG・GALLERIA San FRANCESCO Italiaなど)、かがわ・山なみ芸術祭2013・2016、中之条ビエンナーレ2017など。

■主なワークショップに、モホイ=ナジ・インモーション展関連WS『影をつかまえる』(神奈川県立近代 美術館・葉山/DIC川村記念美術館 )、紙上の技法学関連WS(武蔵野市立吉祥寺美術館 )などがある。

  Born in Katsushika, Tokyo in 1982,

 The concept of my works is “Time and Memory” and also ”The relationship between absence and emerging. ”Photogram is the way for me to represent them.(Photogram is the way to taking photos without camera.)I place materials directly on photosensitive paper and burn it with sunlight to take pictures. I think that sunburn obtained when going out to swim is one of the most physical pictures.

 I have been creating works on the theme of memory and time until 2004.I am a photographer working on a variety of projects, workshops and educational activities. I have already had some exhibitions in New York and several art museums in Japan.

 My theme is to pursue the possibility of art, "What can art do ? " My experimental workshops aim at understanding the principles of photography. I hold some kind of workshops which is "MAN-PRINT " photographing shadow of the whole body by sensititized paper, "CATCH A SHADOW " feeling shapes and shadow of familiar things , and "ON the PHOTOS " walking on sequence photographs of the water surface. I started to publish a collection of photographs privately.





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